
The idea of the Paper Snowflake Company was born after wowing friends and family who visited our home one Christmas with our beautiful and traditional paper snowflake decorations. We were forever hearing ‘they are beautiful, where did you get them from?’.

We fell in love with the way they could transform a space in to a winter wonderland with minimal effort and add a modern shabby chic feel. So we decided to make it our mission to source the most beautiful and premium paper snowflakes, in the most prettiest of styles and colours that impressed our friends so that you can too.

We care passionately about providing our customers with a great product and great service. Our paper snowflakes are selected with love and care for the best quality, and equally your order is dealt with in the same manner, packaged beautifully and handled with care and attention.

We are a based on the edge of the beautiful New Forest in Hampshire, our paper snowflakes can float their way to anywhere within the UK so that you can enjoy them right over the Christmas period and beyond!

We hope you love our paper snowflakes as much as we do and don’t forget to reply to the resounding question ‘they are beautiful , where did you get them from?’ with ‘The Paper Snowflake Company’

So do not hesitate to call us with any queries using the contact page, we’d be happy to hear from you.



Kelly and Mark

The Paper Snowflake Company